3 stars
As the booming voice of ‘Onion King’ Tony Abbott blares throughout Lazy Susan’s Comedy Den, it’s almost impossible not to sit up and pay attention.
Image courtesy of fringeworld.com.au
Game of Cones starts strong, as election season looms following the assassination of King Daddy Turnbull, calling for every ‘Westralian’ from Armadale to Dalkeith to vote for the particularly charismatic Liberal PM Lannister.
Throw in a constantly “triggered” Greens leader Kharleesha and bogan-esque Labor tradie Jonno Snow and you’ve got yourself one electric election race.
Aided by a bleak representation of WA’s political youth and a particularly shrill Pauline Hanson, there’s certainly no shortage of political caricatures making terrific punchlines in this hilarious production.
Brought to FRINGE WORLD 2019 by the Performing Arts Alumni Society, this is a show within which every character packs a punch. Honourable mentions must go to the intentionally irritating musos from the National Party and the commitment of the Liberal PM’s pursed lips and biting delivery of some hilariously witty insults.
The cast of Game of Cones makes expert use of the performance space, shifting seamlessly from intimate scenes between characters to larger ensemble sequences. The large crowd in attendance on opening night were buzzing; clearly enthused about this creative production and eager to pick up on some obscure Game of Thrones references subtly planted throughout the plot.
This production is certainly not for the politically opinionated or the easily offended. The faint of heart might not appreciate its dose of crude humour and profanity. For the adventurous, however, a show that encourages the audience to laugh at themselves is definitely one to catch.
Irreverence is a clear theme throughout the show, and the audience were therefore tickled at its closing remark: “If you didn’t like it, we don’t give a f**k”.
Tickets available from the FRINGE WORLD website.