4 stars
Melbourne-based theatre company The Bloomshed brings their dystopian, surrealist production The Nose to FRINGE WORLD 2020.
This is a show that draws inspiration from Nikolai Gogol’s famous short story of the same title and takes the provocative premise—a nose leaving the face of a powerful individual to live its own, independent life—to new heights.
Image by Theresa Harrison
Opening on a depiction of relentless aspiration, and narratives of success we can all recognise (they are disturbingly, and precisely, similar to current-day media messaging) we're introduced to a back-story of privilege and a main character, the CEO of a certain mass media and entertainment conglomerate.
In truth, this main character could be one of many wealthy white men, such is the accuracy of this portrayal.
Chaotic despair ensues following the loss of the titular nose, with the CEO realising: without the privilege his particular nose allowed him he's no longer the powerful embodiment of success he'd always thought himself to be.
This production excels in its satirical portrayal of the many relentless values we are societally subjected to, illuminating problematic points through deft characterisation.
High impact, yet unnervingly surreal, The Nose is a thrill to experience. We're captivated, watching as the three performers shift between characters—darting on, off, and around the stage.
Strobe lighting is used effectively, defining structure amongst a tirade of scenes, and the minimalist costuming is surprisingly successful at conveying the surreal elements of the piece.
Perhaps the most compelling aspect of this show is its shrewd and acerbic political and socio-cultural commentary. It's a delight to see these topics so plainly laid out, butting up against surrealism and becoming clearly bizarre themselves.
Age-old power structures are dismantled in this biting smackdown of capitalist society. Highlighting the grotesque that’s apparent in elements of our narratives, engrained to the point they don't look like what they are, this production elicits many questions.
The Nose is intense, weird, and on-point—a farcical production that will stay with audiences long after leaving the theatre.
Tickets available at the FRINGE WORLD website.