3.5 stars
Whether you’ve ever felt inclined to explore sailing or not, Scott Murphy: Sailing Lessons is a show you’ll enjoy.
With the dry, authoritative delivery of a particularly serious teacher, comedian Tom Whiston embodies the titular character and takes us through a lesson we’ll never forget.
Image by Andrew Perry
Fun, dark, and playful, this performance keeps us guessing. Our host is here to teach us sailing, or so it seems at first.
We learn key sailing terms, gain a keen sense of the dangerous nature of this activity, and listen to the stories of a person who’s clearly invested in the task at hand.
Whiston, while never breaking character, engages in banter with the audience and takes his time with the show’s material. In a narrative rich with clever wordplay, he toys with sound, intentionally leading us astray with the subtleties of his accent.
Murphy’s comically relaxed yet earnest persona is fertile ground for many an awkward moment and plenty are leveraged to great effect. As he switches from anecdotes to instruction, invites a volunteer to knot rope and leads us all in singing an original sea shanty, we gain a sense of appreciation for the character’s passion.
Scott Murphy: Sailing Lessons features unexpectedly twisted humour that catches the audience by surprise throughout. Well written and performed, it’s a smart yet ludicrous show.
While the narrative lacked depth in parts, limiting the impact of some climactic moments, it was successful in keeping us engaged.
Whiston’s excellent ability to play the straight man is a highlight, particularly in passages of recited voicemail. Standing motionless before the microphone, eyes glazed and voice monotonous, he is the epitome of understated expression.
Using the narrative lens of a character whose only connection to the person they’ve lost seems to be their knowledge of sailing, Scott Murphy: Sailing Lessons is a clever exploration of grief.
Tickets available from the FRINGE WORLD website.